The game starts you off with a small building and a quick tutorial of the interface and how to proceed into the game. Although the game doesn't recommend it, with its own in-game tutorial, it's a really good idea to start the game by hiring a 3rd or 4th developer of your choice and proceed to generate some cash-flow by doing side-jobs instead of working on a game straight from the get-go.
A glimpse into EA's offices. Working on that next big game! |
Once you got some cash to boot, you can start making your first game by starting out in the PC gaming category, since all the current consoles available require you to buy a license first. After you choose your categories of what genre of game, and how it will be affiliated with current trends, (Like, choosing a Puzzle game with Animals as a first game tends to work well, PopCap games? Anyone?) the testers will give some feedback on how the game might turn out on release.
Some thing's that I noticed with the game right away is the manual save feature. Sure, there is an auto-save that work's just in-case you hit the "Back" or the "Home" button on your mobile phone. But the thing that bugs me is the fact that you can only have 1 manual save at a time, so you cannot let your significant other, or any roommates give the game a try without erasing your current data.
During the development process, based on how you train your characters, it will affect on how fast your team can develop the game within a certain time frame by adding Game points, Creativity points, Game Art points and Sound points. You can decide to spend some coin to upgrade your characters so they perform better for side-jobs or when the big project needs to work tough, its a bit of a gamble, but it might pay off as sometimes it does a "Super-Upgrade". In turn, your characters get double or triple the reward for upgrading them.
- Replay value is worth the price of admission
- The retro sprite design is perfect for a Sim game like this
- Interesting take in our world's video game industry
- One manual/auto save at a time. No multiple profiles
- The beginning tutorial is okay, but could have done a lot better to get new players on their feet
- Updates to the game needs a change-log on the App Store Page
Link to the Free Version:
Link to the Paid Version:
What should I review next? Let me know via E-Mail or in the comments below.